Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Aerospace Engineering of K. N. Toosi University of Technology

2 Aero-Propulsion, Aerospace Engineering,, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran



In this study, the performance of a cold atmospheric pressure plasma jet using neutral helium gas was experimentally investigated. Cold atmospheric pressure helium plasma jets have gained popularity in various processing applications due to their stability and enhanced reaction chemistry. The researchers examined the effect of applied voltage, flow rate, and electrode configurations on the length of the helium plume and analyzed the physical parameters of the plasma plume, including discharge voltage and average gas and discharge gap temperatures. The study revealed the presence of three operational modes: plasma bullets, a chaotic mode, and a continuous mode. Initially, the plasma jet operated in a deterministic chaotic mode after breakdown. Transitioning to the turbulent mode, increasing the gas flow rate resulted in a decrease in the plasma jet length. The flow rate required for laminar-to-turbulent transition increased with the applied voltage. By increasing the electrode separation and flow rate, the continuous mode was observed, where excited species remained within the inter-electrode space throughout the voltage cycle. Additionally, it was observed that the temperature of the discharge gap was close to room temperature. These findings provide valuable insights into plasma jet formation mechanisms and highlight the potential of tailoring plasma jet modes for specific processing applications.


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